Using the Pull Method of Influence for Real-Life Results

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Published on: 25 April 2017

If you’ve been keeping up with the Engaging Executive blog and LinkedIn feed, you’ve probably encountered the buzz about the “Pull style” of influence. But if you missed out on some of our earlier discussions, don’t sweat it—I’ve got you covered. Let’s see what the pull style of influence is all about.

Using the Pull Method of Influence for Real-Life Results

Imagine you’re not trying to push someone into doing what you want with assertive commands or aggressive behaviour—nope, that’s not our style. Instead, you gently guide them in the right direction through a series of well-thought-out questions. It’s like leading a dance—smooth, effortless, and oh-so-effective. Now, I know what you’re thinking. This sounds a bit tricky, right? Well, trust me, it’s way easier than it seems. Once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature. And the best part? It’s a super effective way to motivate and inspire those around you to act positively. Who wouldn’t want that?

Using the Pull Method of Influence for Real-Life Results

Let me share a little anecdote with you. A few days ago, I was on a coaching call with one of my clients. We were deep in conversation about the Pull method, and she had the perfect real-life example of how this technique can work wonders. So, there she was, chilling at home one evening when suddenly, her phone rang. It was one of her colleagues from work, and she sounded pretty stressed out about some issues in the office. Now, without the Pull method, my client might’ve jumped straight into “solutioneering” mode—you know, where you start throwing solutions at a problem without really understanding what’s going on. But nope, not this time.

My client took a breath, remembered her training, and decided to use the Pull technique. She started asking her colleague many open-ended questions, gently guiding her to find her own solutions. And you know what? It worked like a charm. At the beginning of the call, her colleague was all doom and gloom, talking about how everything was falling apart. But by the end, thanks to my client’s clever questioning, she was seeing the situation in a whole new light. It was like watching a flower bloom—from despair to hope and opportunity. And you know what’s even better? This isn’t some one-off success story. Nope, Engaging Executives who’ve mastered the Pull method see results like this day in and day out.

It’s like having a secret superpower that helps you improve any situation.

Now, if you’re sitting there thinking, “Hmm, I wonder if I’ve got what it takes to be an influential leader,” well, wonder no more. I’ve got just the thing for you—the ENGAGE questionnaireAnswer the questions, and you’ll better understand your strengths and areas where you could use a little extra oomph. If you’re curious about other leadership styles, I’ve got you covered there, too. Remember, becoming an Engaging  Executive isn’t about being the loudest voice in the room or always having the answers. It’s about being a master of influence – someone who can guide others with grace and ease. Trust me; you can be that person with some practice and the right mindset. Wondering how to start? Start by understanding the Importance of InfluenceSo go ahead and try the Pull method. Who knows? You might unlock a whole new level of leadership prowess you never knew you had. Also, learning how push styles compare with pull styles of influence can help you better grasp the concept of influence. It’s all about knowing when to use each tactic effectively.