When you have middle managers who aren’t adept at resolving conflict, it can result in higher staff turnover and an inability to retain your best new hires. You, as a senior manager, have to teach those middle managers how to start resolving conflict in your office. Luckily, this doesn’t have to be as difficult as it might seem

Feedback is crucial in the workplace. When feedback isn’t given, teams stagnate. There’s little or no progress. If your senior or middle managers aren’t giving proper feedback to their team members, it’s a real detriment to the entire organisation.

Ask your managers to give their teams feedback regularly, but then also ask them to ensure they do the following:

  • Celebrate team members for specific things they’ve done well
  • Make the feedback valuable for the recipient (how will the feedback help them achieve their goals?)
  • Make all feedback timely and precise
  • Ensure all feedback covers what’s working well, what’s not working and what needs to happen in the future

If you can guarantee your managers are providing feedback to their teams in this way, then teams will begin improving on a consistent basis and your rising talent will continue to rise. As a leader yourself, ask feedback on your own performance, read here on ‘How to Ask Your Employees for Feedback’.

This week’s free chapter download from my Amazon best selling book, ENGAGE, is called ‘Giving the gift of feedback’. You can download it by clicking this link.