When you have middle managers who aren’t adept at resolving conflict, it can result in higher staff turnover and an inability to retain your best new hires. You, as a senior manager, have to teach those middle managers how to start resolving conflict in your office. Luckily, this doesn’t have to be as difficult as it might seem

One of the top reasons star performers leave an organisation? Management. If you’re losing great new hires, take a look at your middle management to see if they possess one key trait: Empathy.

A middle manager with zero empathy can drive away talent so fast you won’t know what hit your organisation. But displaying empathy results in a large array of positive factors. It builds trust, reduces tension and encourages communication.

If you have middle managers who do not have empathy as one of their soft skills, don’t feel like you need to throw in the towel just yet. Empathy is a skill that can be learned.

Your middle managers need to learn the three key stages of empathy:

  1. Identifying someone’s emotions
  2. Understanding others’ perspectives
  3. Reacting to others in an emotionally appropriate manner

It can be a lot to teach these three skills, but it can be done. If you need a little help, I encourage you to check out this week’s free chapter download from my Amazon best selling book, ENGAGE, click here.

How well have you developed empathy with others or yourself? Read here on developing empathy.