As more teams go remote during the coronavirus scare, you, as a Human Resource Director, need to encourage your managers to lead their teams in engagement.

While remaining productive and profitable while working remotely as an organisation is entirely possible, we can’t ignore the facts. Humans have evolved over 6 million years to rely on one another and to work as a team. Your teams have to stay engaged while working remotely if you want your organisation to retain some state of normality.

Impress upon those managers how crucial engagement with every team member is during this uncertain and isolating time in the world. Not only will engaged teams be more productive, but they’ll also be happier and less stressed out. Studies of mental health and wellbeing come back to the importance of quality social interactions as a key driver of happiness.

For a free chapter on the importance of connection, from my Amazon best selling book, ENGAGE, click this link.

What are you as an HRD and your team as a whole doing to remain engaged during the COVID-19 pandemic? Here is a helpful tip especially for calming others, learn about energy matching, read here.