There’s a strong difference between learning facts and behavioural change. Unfortunately, within many organisations, learning facts and behavioural change are treated similarly, when the two things could not be further apart.

For example, let’s say I want to teach a fact to someone. Maybe it’s a piece of legislation, maybe a policy change, whatever it may be. In a few days, you’ll have that fact memorised. It’s simple.


But let’s say I’m trying to teach you a new behaviour, a behaviour that will replace another very deeply-rooted habit. Let’s say it’s related to how you get along with others, how you influence others, how you communicate. One or two days just won’t work. Behaviours take time to change and new behaviours should be learned via the process of ‘immersion’. Your brain literally has to change, creating new neural pathways and connections, created over time, day after day.

Therefore, I use the process of immersion. I don’t believe in short courses, unless they teach concepts and facts. So, if you’re an L&D Manager, HRD or even a Partner of a firm, consider how you’re developing your talent, and if your teaching styles are really suitable for what you’re trying to teach.

To better assess who are the individual that would benefit from this, watch this Vlog. For more tips, visit the Engaging Executive Vlog.