At The Engaging Executive, we help HRDs, CEOs and COOs to develop their technical gurus into leaders of people. Last week I described the ENGAGE model. This week I will discuss who would benefit from learning it.

The answer is simple…anyone with a ‘left brain’ bias. Often, but not always, those who are gifted with the talent for technical are not so well versed in the qualities that make a good leader of people. See video below for more information.


So does this matter? The answer is, only if they are being groomed for leadership positions. If nothing is done then the ‘Peter Principle’ kicks in and people are promoted to their own level of incompetence. Any leader of people needs three essential qualities:

  1. Connecting – being able to connect with just about any type or level of person
  2. Understanding – being able to understand the emotional drivers
  3. Influencing – being able to make things happen in a way people want to do it

If you like to learn more about being an Engaging Executive, read here. For more tips, visit the Engaging Executive Vlog.

Click here for more details on my bestselling book, ENGAGE.