Is It Possible to Influence Over the Internet?

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Published on: 13 April 2020

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the shift toward remote working has become more prevalent, posing new challenges for managers tasked with leading their teams from a distance.

The question arises: Is It Possible to Influence Over the Internet?

It’s crucial to guide managers on maintaining their influence even when physically separated from their teams.

Communication tools like video conferencing and phones become essential in this endeavor.

Here are some strategies managers can use to remain impactful:

  • Convey Confidence and Control: Use language that projects certainty and leadership. The way managers speak can significantly influence their team’s perception of stability and direction.
  • Inspire with Passion and Facts: Combine emotional appeal with factual data to motivate and direct teams. This balance can inspire confidence and provide a clear path forward.
  • Enhance Nonverbal Cues: In virtual meetings, nonverbal communication—such as facial expressions, hand gestures, and tone of voice—plays a critical role. These elements help compensate for the lack of physical presence and human touch.

    It also helps creating a more connected and engaging interaction.

Remote work has become a long-term or permanent arrangement for many. It is essential for managers to adapt their communication styles and methods.

Staying connected with staff through regular updates

Here are additional tips for effective remote leadership:

  • Regular Check-ins: Whether through daily briefings or weekly summaries, regular check-ins can help keep teams aligned and informed. These meetings should be a mix of formal discussions about work progress and casual interactions that promote team bonding.
  • Set Clear Expectations: Clearly define goals and expectations for remote work. Ensure that all team members understand their responsibilities and the standards by which they are measured.

    Encourage Open Communication: Promote an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, challenges, and successes. Open communication can lead to innovative ideas and solutions, fostering a more collaborative team culture.

  • Utilise Technology Effectively: Leverage various tools and technologies not only for project management and communication but also for creating virtual spaces that simulate a physical office environment. This can include virtual whiteboards for brainstorming sessions or social rooms for informal chats.
  • Focus on Results, Not Activity: Shift the focus from monitoring activities to achieving outcomes. This approach trusts employees to manage their time effectively and emphasizes the importance of results, which can boost motivation and productivity.

For those looking to delve deeper into the nuances of remote leadership, consider exploring resources that offer further insights.

For instance, you can download a free chapter from the Amazon bestselling book “ENGAGE” through the provided link, which covers extensive strategies on effective remote team management.

Additionally, understanding the nuances of nonverbal communication in a remote setting can further enhance your ability to lead effectively.

For more tips on this topic, you can read about nonverbal communication strategies online.

Embracing these approaches will not only help managers navigate the challenges of remote leadership but also harness the potential benefits of a flexible, diverse, and resilient work environment.