social skills
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There are introverts in every office, but what do you do when you have an introvert on your team that really has potential? You can see that they could really go far, with their technical...

Empathy and Emotional Intelligence
Have you ever wondered how your emotional intelligence impacts your annual income? You might be surprised to know the two have a direct correlation. In this article, we’re diving deep into this fascinating connection, backed...

You’re great at your job, you just happen to be a little on the shy side. No problem, right? Your boss probably recognises how hard you work and the effort you put in — all...

Building Rapport
Remember our previous post about how to build rapport effectively? Let’s continue that discussion and explore more strategies to master this essential skill. In this blog post, we will shed a light on how to...

While Natalie Davis’ article on building rapport is intended to help those in sales roles increase their inbound efforts, rapport building is a helpful skill for anyone in the corporate world and especially for those...

For some people, there’s nothing worse than those first five minutes of an interaction with a new person. What do you say? What do you do? Especially if you’re not in a business setting, where...

Leadership DevelopmentNews
It’s funny how specific phrases stick with us throughout our lives. “Just be yourself” is one of those phrases, isn’t it? It’s like it’s drilled into us from the moment we can comprehend language. But...

Have you ever showed up late to a networking event and experienced that initial burst of panic? All of the sudden, you don’t have an upper hand. Everyone’s already paired off, talking in groups, and...

Need any easy way to take advantage of those dreaded networking events? Take this incredibly easy tip from my bestselling book, ENGAGE. Yes, I know, networking events, for some people, particularly if you’re introverted, can...

Trying to better make connections and take advantage of networking events or even social occasions? Knowing the difference between the direct and indirect approaches to social engagements can really help you get the most out...

The practical tips and tricks found throughout the Engaging Executive Programme can sometimes seem too simple to work, almost too good to be true. It’s not just the individual tips that are the driving force...

I hope you’ve found the videos I’ve been posting useful over the last few weeks! Today, though, I thought I’d tell you a little bit about what our company does. In a nutshell, we’re helping...

If you’re just beginning your Engaging Executive journey, you’ve likely come across a question that plagues many of my clients. Many ask me, “Duncan, how can I come across as more confident?” Here’s one little...

It’s not an uncommon challenge that L&D directors face — you have a team member who just won’t open up, who’s terrible at building relationships with clients and who you really can’t send out into...

As a CEO or other manager in your business, you know the power of networking. Half of getting to where you are today was pure skill, but the other half (maybe even more than half)...

What you do in the first five minutes of meeting someone matters — big time. For better or worse, humans are hardwired to automatically make assumptions about the people we meet. Maybe it’s a primal...

You’ve heard all through your career, and probably even your life, that first impressions matter. It’s why eager students take extra care to get ready before the first day of school. It’s why the first...

Want a quick way to know if you’ve actually broken out of your shell and started becoming an confident, Engaging Executive? Next time you’re holding a conversation with an important colleague, or better yet, your...

Empathy and Emotional Intelligence
Are you too focused on achieving your work goals? While ambition and drive can help propel you forward in your career, sometimes they can lead to neglecting crucial aspects of your work environment and relationships...

Empathy and Emotional Intelligence
You’re probably not alone if you’ve ever witnessed a friend, coworker, or even loved one who’s more emotional than others. Maybe you immediately thought they weren’t cut out for a fast-paced, high-pressure job. Labelling these folks...
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